Sideri Maria
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Social Sciences
University of the Aegean in Mitilini, Lesvos
Email: msid@aegean.gr
Phone: +30 22510 36610
My Story
Dr. Maria Sideri is a member of Laboratory Teaching Staff in the School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean, and teaches at the Dept. of Cultural Technology and Communication. She holds a Ph.D. (2004) in Social Anthropology and a M.Sc. (2015) from the Postgraduate Program “Gender and new educational and work environments in the information society” (both from the University of the Aegean). As a social anthropologist, she is familiar with Social Sciences research methodologies and tools used to investigate social, political, cultural and economic factors affecting people’s lives. Information Technologies and specifically Internet and social media have become a part of everyday human activities influencing the way people and organizations communicate and relate to each other, create content and share it, organize communities of common interests etc. In this frame, social anthropology with its holistic approach helps to investigate and interpret new patterns of life, communication and behavior that emerge in cyberspace as well as human needs within a social context of rapid changes due IT usage practices. Her research interests focus on: Cultural Representations of Identity; Social Media and identity; Social Media and social control; Social Media and Privacy issues; Gender and Politics. She has served as Head of North Aegean Regional Team in the Project “Foreigners and Repatriated students’ Education”, Action 7 “Connecting School and Community”, implemented under NSRF “Education and Lifelong Learning 2007-2013” (11.2012-07.2013) and as a member of Quality Assurance Unit (MO.DI.P.) of University of the Aegean (2008-8.2014). Since September 2014, she is a member of the Committee for Gender Equality in the University of the Aegean.