Zagouras Panagiotis
PhD Student at the University of the Aegean
University of the Aegean in Mitilini, Lesvos
Email: ctd16015@ct.aegean.gr
My Story
Zagouras Panagiotis was born in Athens on the 17th of February 1975. He is married with two children. He initially graduated from the I.T. Department of the Technological Institution of Athens. He continued his studies by graduating from the I.T. Department of the Athens University of Economics. He completed his studies with a post- graduating degree from Piraeus University : «Techno-economical Administration and Digital Systems Security» with an orientation to « Digital Systems Security». He has been a PhD Candidate for the “Cultural Tecnology and Communication” Department of the University of Aegean since November 2016. He is a member of the Economic Chamber of Greece as well as of the Main Educational Staff Register of National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA). He has been working in the I.T. Division of the National Printing House since October 2001. He is an administrator of the National Printing House database (Security, Auditing, Backup, Restore και Troubleshooting). He designs, develops and maintains applications for the requirements of his Division in technologies such as: VB .NET, C#.NET, ASPX, XML, MySQL, JBoss, Java. He develops webpages in .NET Core , Bootstrap 4, CSS3, HTML5, C shtml environments. He is very experienced in Data Migration in a SqlServer, MySql, Access, Excel environment. He is conversant to a great extent with DevExpress controls (Data Grid, Reporting, Charting). He is also an administrator of “ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ” (‘’DIAVGIA’’) system as well as a coordinator of the Open Data team.