Development Projects

Participation in the project “Implementation and maintenance of information systems and digital applications of e-government and “smart city”…

An Integrated Socio-technical approach for Self Adaptive Privacy Requirements Identification within Cloud Computing Environments


e-Aegean R&D Network: Aegean Archipelago Research and Technology Network: Supporting Regional Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Excellence -Action Future Labs

e-Aegean CulTour: Aegean Interregional Digital Transformation in Culture and Tourism-Action 1.4 AegeanDigital Tourism Tank

3D4CE – 3D Printing: a Cultural accelerator for Education


2η προκήρυξη υποτροφιών ΕΛΙΔΕΚ για υποψήφιους διδάκτορες


Adaptive Privacy-aware Cloud-based Systems: Socio-technical requirements




The project 3D-ReMath, is funded in the framework of Erasmus+…

Design and implementation of secure smart devices for the preservation of tangible cultural heritage


BIONIC is a European research project aiming to develop an unobtrusive, autonomous and privacy …


Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology

Three-dimensional high-resolution mapping of the affected area of Vrisa from the Lesvos earthquake on 12/06/2017

Administrative process simplification for Lesvos Municipality