Development Projects

The GDPrApp project aims to raise GDPR awareness in education through an educational game and resources, promoting data protection and collaboration among teachers, students, and parents.

Participation in the project “Implementation and maintenance of information systems and digital applications of e-government and “smart city”…

An Integrated Socio-technical approach for Self Adaptive Privacy Requirements Identification within Cloud Computing Environments


e-Aegean R&D Network: Aegean Archipelago Research and Technology Network: Supporting Regional Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Excellence -Action Future Labs

e-Aegean CulTour: Aegean Interregional Digital Transformation in Culture and Tourism-Action 1.4 AegeanDigital Tourism Tank

3D4CE – 3D Printing: a Cultural accelerator for Education


2η προκήρυξη υποτροφιών ΕΛΙΔΕΚ για υποψήφιους διδάκτορες


Adaptive Privacy-aware Cloud-based Systems: Socio-technical requirements




The project 3D-ReMath, is funded in the framework of Erasmus+…

Design and implementation of secure smart devices for the preservation of tangible cultural heritage


BIONIC is a European research project aiming to develop an unobtrusive, autonomous and privacy …


Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology

Three-dimensional high-resolution mapping of the affected area of Vrisa from the Lesvos earthquake on 12/06/2017

Administrative process simplification for Lesvos Municipality